[SunRescue] Hi, I'm Steve, and I have a problem. . .

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Feb 14 19:12:27 CST 2001

> So I looked up reflux on google and read about it, now I am gonna spend
> the next few years thinking I have a paraesophageal hiatal hernia just
> because I hiccupped while I was wolfing down a cheeseburger.. oh well..
> it'll go well with the imaginary bowel cancer and brain tumer I have :(.

What's worse is that mine looks like it was caused by my doctors (at the
time) having me on ibuprophen (sp?) for a couple of years, 1200mg a day
for a chronic inflamation.  Turns out it can do long-term GI damage.  On
top of that, before the good Dr. in CA figgured it out, they (my old dr's)
we dosing me with all sorts of nasty drugs.  Oneof which (propulsid) I
took myself off of after reading bad stuff about it.  The Dr. said I was
nuts, it was fine, one month later it was off the market.  Caused heart
attacks.  (I went off it becuase it was giving me the shakes.)


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