[rescue] The fat lady. . .

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 27 15:31:21 CST 2001

On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 02:51:09PM -0600, Amy wrote:
> out of curiosity, what else do you do in your spare time besides
> programming and cooking? i've found that people on here tend to have some
> very interesting hobbies.

I've been known to draw from time to time.  I play guitar some, piano even 
less.  Photography occasionally.  Writing occasionally.  Nothing terribly 
thrilling to others, at least not unless I get a lot better.  I don't do 
anything way out there like collecting guns and extreme sports.
> i'm still searching for a bebox and i'm sure this'll drive the prices even
> higher :/ the people at be were always very good about their support
> however -- when sam (big dog) ate my only copy of 4.5 they sent me a
> new one promptly (with a suggestion to not use it as a frisbee in the
> official bug fix/report)

They seemed like nice people, but I never had an need to deal directly with 
them.  I really did love that file system though.

> > BTW, have you looked at AthenaOS?
> where would i find such a thing?

I butchers the spelling.  It is Atheos, and the URL is:

I don't know what you loved about BeOS, but Atheos has some similar and 
appealing things about it.  It is totally not ready for multimedia work yet.  
The only sound card supported is a SBPro, fer cryin out loud, but the author 
does appear to have a bit of a multimedia bent to his interestes, if the video
processing stuff is any indication.

Joshua D. Boyd

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