[rescue] Sync on Green

Thomas Steffen rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 27 03:23:23 CST 2001

Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de> writes:

> No problems, as long as the monitor matches the H-sync frequency.
> Just give it a try. As log as you don't feed the monitor for houres
> with a H-sync frequency that it can not sync to, nothing will be
> damaged.

While this is true for most modern monitors, it does not necessarily
hold for old (1980ish) monitors. Some of them *can* be damaged very
quickly by using the wrong frequency. 

Usually these monitors have a note stating the right frequency, but
sometimes it is on the inner case. Check if you can find it, otherwise
I would just try it out and take the risk.

		    Thomas <thomas.steffen at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
Umweltfreundlich, da aus recycleten Buchstaben.

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