[rescue] Less than successful

Steve Hatle rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 13 15:19:25 CST 2001

Wasn't this the place that had a bunch of Twentieth Anniversary Mac's at 
one time?


On Thursday, December 13, 2001, at 03:10 PM, jwbirdsa at picarefy.com wrote:

>    Went back to RePC today to collect the rest of the stack of 
> VAXstation
> 4000/VLCs. Apparently they discovered it and now want $40 each for them.
> Never mind.
>    And the C100 I bought on Tuesday is sans CPU board. So much for that.
>    They had a couple 9000/7xx's that they were apparently just bringing 
> in,
> but gods know what they'll want for those. Some of the funkiest-shaped
> machines I've ever seen, a slim tower plunged into a squat box...
>    --James B.
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