Sun 386i (WAS: RE: [rescue] Interactive Unix?)

Corda Albert J DLVA rescue at
Tue Dec 11 11:36:35 CST 2001

Yep, it was 4.0.(2 or 3?) but it was unrelated to the
"normal" version of SunOS... I seem to remember the
386i SunOS port was developed in a different part of the
country by a different development team, so there was
no real corrispondence between the version numbers
for the 2 platforms.  It came in two flavors, one
with a silver nametag, and a slightly faster version
with a gold nametag.  There were rumors about a 
486i prototype that Sun built a small number of but
never marketed.  There were also a few hacks floating
around the net at one time that allowed you to
upgrade the critter to a 486 cpu using an evergreen
cpu module, but I seem to remember it had some
booting issues... All in all, it was a pretty neat
machine to play with, and a unique melding of both
Unix and Dos. Definitely one for the history books!

-acorda at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linc Fessenden [mailto:linc at]
> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 5:51 PM
> To: rescue at
> Subject: RE: [rescue] Interactive Unix?
> On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Dave McGuire wrote:
> > On December 10, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> > > >   - Sun ported SunOS (4.x originally, IIRC) to
> > > > 	the 386i, but the port always had issues
> > > 
> > > I wasn't sure if the 386i ever ran SunOS-4 or not.   I 
> only ever had
> > > brief exposure to one.  It was a curious attempt by Sun 
> to effectively
> > > say "look, we can build a PC too!", but it wasn't really 
> much better,
> > > and of course it wan't really a clone because it only ran Sun's
> > > software.
> > 
> >   It was SunOS 4.0.3, if memory serves.
> > 
> >     -Dave
> At least 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 and I have the machine and the media 
> to prove it
> :-)
> Just wish I had a good prom for the thing!
> -Linc Fessenden
> In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...
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