[rescue] Spaceballs.

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 7 18:01:18 CST 2001

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 05:40:09PM -0500, Corda Albert J DLVA wrote:
> To this day, I don't believe the problem of easily positioning
> yourself in a 3d-space has been adequately solved (or at least
> not solved to the extent that an easy/intuitive I/O device on
> par with the 2-d ease of a mouse or trackball has not been
> developed).

I find it easy to position myself in most 3D spaces I encounter.  I just walk 
to the proper location, and assume the proper position.  All in real time, with
highly believable, beyond photorealistic rendering.  This quantum simulation 
stuff is pretty cool.  

Joshua D. Boyd

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