[rescue] Alternatives to BIND?

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 4 10:14:03 CST 2001

Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/dents/
> Have you used this?  I found this years ago, but it seemed to be
> abandoned...  maybe it's workable, but the website didn't hint at
> that.

I used it years ago it was Good. Started using zoneedit when I didn't
feel like futzing with virtual domains.

I've looked at the site, and you're right, it looks abandoned. Pity. It
was Good.

Looking around, though, I found something different that Bill might be
intereted in, considering earlier threads about web server load


I might try it out for my ebolamonkeys proxy.


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