[rescue] Boy, am I glad I didn't switch to Cable modemservic e...

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 3 20:04:24 CST 2001

Corda Albert J DLVA wrote:

> road.  I've argued with them, and even offered
> to trench my own cable, or provide a connection
> point close to the road where they can install

That won't do at all. My mom's apartment building is a renovated
factory, and during the renovation they wired the entire building for
cable. The cable company then refused to drop a connection in because
they said the wiring was "substandard" and that they wouldn't accept
anything they hadn't done themselves.

So Mom got another company to put a satellite dish on the roof and they
happily piped the signal to all 245 apartments. Cable comany's loss.
About half the apts have DSL now too. Bigger loss for the cable co. I
can't pretend to be upset for them. It's their own greed that lost them
the business. They thought Mom would fold on the wiring.


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