[rescue] Boy, am I glad I didn't switch to Cable modem servic e...

Fogg, James rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 3 16:00:44 CST 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Corda Albert J DLVA [mailto:CordaAJ at NSWC.NAVY.MIL]
> Maybe I'm a little off base here, but $4.00 a foot
> is more than the power company charges to run
> a power line to new construction (and they have
> to dig a trench 8 ft. deep and install 10 ft. grounding
> rods at periodic intervals).

Adelphia is counting on your ignorance. They can set their own rates, but if
you prod you can cause them no end of trouble.

First of all, I wouldn't call what they do trenching. Its more like
slotting. They don't go very deep (8-12 inches usually). They don't even
worry about frost lines (not a biggie in your area). The cable isn't
expensive either. They don't even use a conduit. At 1200 feet they *might*
have to add an amplifier, but thats no big deal either. The machine they use
grabs the cable, cuts the slot, stuffs the cable down and backfills all at
once. The operator will stand behind the machine and move at a walking pace
up your driveway. It may take all of 30 minutes. Plus, they would have to do
this for any driveway, so getting the machine out there is no biggie either.

Contact the Public Utilities Comission in your state. Cable is a regulated
utility. Lodge a formal complaint. They are definately gouging the public.
If your state government is honest, they will prod Adelphia and Adelphia
will take notice.

Odd, but I have Adelphia in New Hampshire (with the cable modem service) and
they didn't blink an eye at my 300 foot drive. In fact, when the cable was
cut by the phone company trenching they just laid the cable along the ground
and said they'd be back to trench later. They never did return and
snow's-a-coming. I'd hate to eat the cable with my snow blower.

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