[rescue] OT: Stuffed Proliant?

Robert Rose rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Dec 1 18:25:56 CST 2001

> > >I have one of those machines. If fact it is this very machine I am 
> working at.
> > >Make sure the SCSI daugter board is seated and that the riser board is 
> also
> > >seated. It is a PITA on this machiine.
> >
> > There's supposed to be a SCSI daughter board?  Does this go in the
> > "External SCSI connector" slot beside the HD68 connector on the riser
> > board, or do I need to look elsewhere?
>On the separate assembly that holds the PCI/ISA slots there is a special
>socket for a small board to plug into for the external SCSI connection. If you
>are missing this that would explain much. you should see a small odd looking
>socket where it obviously would plug into the riser.

Don't 'spose anyone with a working box could try removing the card and see 
if it gives the same error.

>It sounds like somebody took it when they took whatever other useful boards
>that were in the machine.

That'd be right, rip off a $10 propriatary board that leaves the machine 
unusable and leave in the $250+ Smart 3200 Array controller.

>here is a link to some docs for the 800:

Thanks, that explains a lot.  Compaq's line drawings don't have enough 
detail to explain what it may do, but I'd assume there's something there 
that the BIOS pokes to see if all is well.

> >
> > This thing is a 180/256 and it will get another 180/256 if I ever get it
> > going properly.  Yes, I know that with 256k of cache it's not going to set
> > the world alight, but it's enough for my needs.
>Going to a mached pair of 200's will be schweet! <and cheap> You will need to
>find another VRM though. Worht the upgrade. The 256K cache is where you are
>stuck the 800 does not support bigger cache. (which is why the 333's didna 

I have the 180 spare and a spare VRM, I just need a heatsink and this board 
that'll probably be unobtainium or cost more than the whole box.  I guess I 
could ebay the 3200 controller if significant extra funds will be required.

 >Something you may wanna try. Go into the BIOS, evil Compaq BIOS that it 
is. If
 >it is not on the 'special' partition you will need to download the BIOs
 >floppies. Go in, turn off the on board SCSI add an Adpatec or Symbios
 >controller, enjoy!

That's what I'm trying, but the SCSI error is during the POST and it halts 
the box before it lets me attempt to boot anything.  I have the floppies 
already and I'm suitably proficient with the Compaq BIOS thingy (ever 
notice how similar it is to the HP Netserver BIOS ?).

 >alteratively you can boot from the onboard IDE as well.

IDE sucks-ass, I own exactly one IDE device and that's the CD-Rom in this 
Proliant.  Everything else is SCSI or suitably integrated into laptops that 
it doesn't count.

 >I really like my Proliant 800 a lot.

I'd like to like mine, once I get it going.  It's going to replace my 
Deskpro 6000 (single PPro200) 'cos it's got about 3 times the RAM and the 
second CPU of course.

Thanks for the assistance,


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