[rescue] 386BSD

Michael S. Schiller rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 27 21:31:03 CDT 2001

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak wrote:

> > I'm taking a roadtrip to Ohio later tonight (just won 30 'mainframe terminals
> > monitors' on ebay for $.01) but tomorrow when I get back I might just have to
> > waste some more floppies to install the etc01 dist files onto the machine as
> > well. Now the problem, where am I going to find a driver for my linksys
> > network card for this thing?
> Ohh, neat... vt100's?

Nope, they are a couple of vt520's, a vt510, a bunch of vt420's, and a few vt320's

> Yer kindof stuck with basic drivers like for the 3c503 or ne1000 kind of
> thingy.  If you need a card for it, holler.  I have a box full of old
> ethernet cards that I will probably offload into the bit bucket dumpster
> shortly.

Thanks for the offer, but this machine is a laptop, so unless there are pcmcia
versions of them that 386bsd will work with I'm SOL.

> Bob
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