[rescue] Re: Darwin's Folly (was: Re: geek vehicles)

G W Adkins rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 27 18:59:53 CDT 2001

Let me roll all this upo into 1 message...

> > It's natural.  Where we are screwing up is by sending food to these
> > people...
> Actually, you are correct, but not correct for the right argument.  The
> reason it's screwed up is based on the old adage "Give a man to fish,
> eat today, teach a man to fish, he'll eat forever".  Well, when we give
> food, nobody buys from the local farmers, who end up losing their farms
> starving along side.  This is an economic effect, and again, not an effect
> of overpopulation.
No, it's "Give a man to fish, he'll eat today, teach a man to fish in the
Sahara, and he'll starve next week."  The local farmers ARE THE PROBLEM.
The land was never meant to support agriculture, let alone the population
surge it has prompted.  It is _arid_land_.  There has been hunger and
starvation there for thousands of years, Advances in agriculture might help
a little, but it only goes so far.  It's the 'lack of compassion', i.e. the
_intentional_magnification_ of the suffering of these people by those who
would feed them and help them breed that is the true tragedy.

> > Awww, look at the poor starving Child, Honey, let's send food and money
> > that that child can grow up and have 7-10 more children who will starve
> > death.
> Hey I know!  Hey, let's send a doctor over there, and everyone who
> food that's sent in by some sort of foreign aid, also gets chemical
> castration!  Perfect solution!  See, it would work out nicely, because all
> the people who have the nuts to work and earn their own way, will survive
> and pass those traits on........
Sick, Very sick.  The last people to suggest 'solutions' this vile were
tried at Neuremberg.

> You hit the nail on the head on this one..  You're right.  We as humans
> differ from animals in the respect that we are capable of
> compassion....  Some of us even use it.
> -Linc.
Yeah, I have compassion for the 7-10 who will die in misery tomorrow instead
of the one who happens to be suffering today.  Call it Triage if you like.
I call it the least amount of sufferingin the big picture.
> >> It's natural.  Where we are screwing up is by sending food to these
> >> people...

> I guess what I am saying is it's easy to make sweeping statements and
> provide quick solutions.  Linc is right, and what seperates us from the
> "animals" or "darwinism" is compassion.
Compassion for who?  Ourselves?  Others that we have some perceived
responsibility for?
How about a little compassion for your Mother, The Earth?


'The ways that are are the ways that are,
and a man who fights against them breaks himself.'

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