[rescue] Re: geek vehicles

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 27 04:39:55 CDT 2001

On August 27, joshua d boyd wrote:
> First, I've heard some interesting arguments for us being a long way from
> over population.  I haven't had the time to verify them though.  However,
> the people who argue either way on the topic usually have a vested
> interest in people agreeing with them for power/monitary reasons.

  My comments on overpopulation are based on two things:

  1) The fact that it took me well over an hour to get to Terp
     Trader a few weeks ago, and it's a whopping six miles from here.  I
     don't live IN DC...I live halfway between the DC and Baltimore
     beltways, a good number of miles outside of both.

  2) I heard a rather shocking statistic a while back, which I'm sure
    everyone knows by now: More than half of the people who have ever
    lived are still alive today.

  Do the math.  At this rate of population growth, we are going to have
some BIG PROBLEMS in a few decades.  That scares me.  The only vested
interest *I* have in saying this is the fact that I want a planet to
live on, and I'd prefer it be THIS ONE.


Dave McGuire
Laurel, MD

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