[rescue] Re: geek vehicles

G W Adkins rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Aug 25 20:10:36 CDT 2001

> > Interesting point, but aren't products with strong links between
> > and self-lethality a GOOD thing to have in the hands of drooling hick
> > morons?
> *I* think it's a good idea.  it's our government that doesn't think it's a
> idea.  3-wheeled ATVs were darwinism at its best.
Hmmm, seems to say something about our guva-mint...
Perhaps the members of congress (note the lower case C) feel personally
threatened by products which are fatal to stupid people...  I think I can
safely say that they would be opposed to anything which was potentially
universally fatal to stupid people, if not on the basis of self
preservation, then on the basis of preserving their constituents for
re-election purposes.


If Con- means the opposite of Pro,
Is Congress the opposite of Progress?

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