[rescue] Ultra 10 again

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 24 07:14:40 CDT 2001

James Lockwood wrote:

> Do a search for the Sun Framebuffer FAQ (by David Tong if I'm not
> mistaken).  It goes into far more detail than I can in this posting.

Thank you, I shall.

> No, the C3D should be dramatically faster for just about every operation.
> What are you doing that makes it feel slow?

Couple of things. Netscape over X from the linux box in the corner.
Netscape locally. Gimp from the linux box. 

I think it was the monitor. Is that possible? I've got a
GD20[something-or-other], and tried that first. I assumed the C3D was
using the default resolution and color depth, though I can't be sure of
that since I'm not the original owner. In retrospect, I think it wasn't.
I was using the Sun monitor and that's when I wrote the dog-slow post. 

I've switched to a Cornerstone 21" with a 13W3 adapter on the C3D board,
and it's much faster. I've played around with fbconfig, and found that I
can get some improvement with different resolutions, but oddly, fbconfig
reports that some resolutions *that I know work under Linux* are not
supported by this monitor. Is the card still thinking it's got the Sun
monitor attached since that's what was there first? 

I was hoping to have at least two heads on this box, using the Sun 20"
on the 13w3 and the Cornerstone on the m64. I'm still hopefull. Going
back to one (even at 21") is unpleasant. (Sheesh, I sound like a spoiled

> You are using the C3D (13W3 connector) and not the onboard m64 (DE15
> connector), right?  The m64 is nothing to write home about
> performance-wise, especially in 24bpp mode.

Hmmm, do I want to keep the Cornerstone on the 13w3 and get another SVGA
screen for the m64?



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