[rescue] hrm.

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 22 13:20:04 CDT 2001

>> Married, one kid (struggling with mild Autism), no pets - yet.

BH> i don't know much about autism, but......

I personally think she'll work through it like I worked through mine
earlier in life.  I'll do anything short of drugs to help her on that

>> My daughter it a budding geek!  She absolutely loves the PBS and
>> Disney websites and is fascinated by the collection of xscreensavers

BH> woo!!  get her hooked young.  that's what i did to mine. :)

She can't get enough of my clear LED-lit trackball. *grin*

>> on the one machine in the basement.  Now if I could only help her
>> communicate properly...

BH> can you use the computers to assist her?

Working on it.  Unfortunately I have to find a job first.  Going to
build/buy her a computer eventually.  Her first one will probably be a
Mac but I'm still debating on that.  As for the software to help her -
it's priced towards educational institutions.  ("Would you like
something to help you choke that receipt down sir?")  I'm going to
take time here and refresh my C skills and maybe I can come up with
something for her.  However - that's a long-term goal at this point.

Mike Hebel                          mailto:drone8of9 at crosswinds.net



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