[rescue] ADMIN NOTE: Unsubscription fiasco

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 22 12:17:06 CDT 2001

This will be my last statement on the matter of Jon Katz being unsubscribed
a couple days ago.  I've received a few emails in private from people, and
Jon claimed to have gotten emails from people who thought that this was all
Amy's doing, so I thought I'd address it.

First off, Amy did not go out "on her own" and unsubscribe Jon.  She doesent
even have access to the list management interface to do so - only *I* do.

Anybody unsubscribed not of their own free will, it has to be done by me.
Nothing happens on these lists without my approval/permission, despite 
those who think otherwise.  

>From IRC this morning:
10:50 <Katz> amy: I can't help it if you're an intolerant psycho control-freak

Insult my wife, get unsubscribed, then call her a whore - that pretty much
guarantees you *WONT* be welcomed back onto lists we provide anytime soon.

I'm sure more than a few people have called her many things or accused her 
of worse. I'd like to ask that all the people who have done so unsubscribe 
themselves - we don't need nor want this kind of person on these lists.

Furthermore, to address the *false* "control-freak" accusation... most of
the time she moderates during the day, when I am busy with my job. Because      
most of the fracas occurs doing the day, she's gotten some sort of              
undeserved reputation for being a bitch (which she isn't..if you spend          
five minutes talking to her you'll see that she genuinely cares for and         
about people) for doing the best job she can. Perhaps we have erred by          
having allowed this good cop (me) bad cop (her) situation occur.                

Feel free to email me in private to discuss, if you must, but lets completely
drop this discussion; we've said our piece.  Thanks.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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