[rescue] $99 DIMMs from Crucial

Stephen Olson rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 14 22:45:58 CDT 2001

I purchased, and installed in my Ultra 5, two of the $99 256 meg DIMM's
from crucial.
Exact part:

Unfortunately, they did not work so well.  Here are the two problems:
1.  The DIMMs are taller than the 64MB DIMMs from Sun.  This is a
problem in the U5 as the floppy drive is
mounted above the memory.  The floppy drive will not fit with the DIMMs
installed.  Not sure if this is a
problem on AXmp or U10 systems

2.  The DIMMs are recognized as 128 MB.  With the two new DIMMs
installed, 256 MB Memory is reported
both at boot time and with prtconf.

As these DIMMs have been mentioned here a few times in the last two
weeks, I thought I'd pass this information

I guess "If it sounds too good to be true...".  But, 512 would have been
really nice.


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