[rescue] Re: sparc 10 hdds

Steve Pacenka rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 10 07:10:23 CDT 2001

> You'll want to use 50-pin SCSI 3.5" drives, either half or 1/3 height.
> Drives that produce excessive heat (early Seagate 'cudas are a good
> example) will have problems in the SS10 case.  Stick to 5400RPM or
> late-rev 7200RPM drives.


1" IBM drives have worked very well for me in reviving Sparc 10's, 1+, and 
IPC's lately.  All of the IBM 7200 RPM 1" drives I've seen are quiet and run 
fairly cool.  Some of the older, thicker IBM drives (0663 included) don't fit 
a pizza box case due to interference with the top cover.

-- SP

> -James
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