[rescue] Printing to the 'net

Derrick Daugherty rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 8 17:35:04 CDT 2001

It's rumored that around Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 08:49:20AM -0400
s at avoidant.org wrote:
> "Reagen B . Ward" wrote:
> > Many HP printers can take a JetDirect card.  Others can use an external
> > print server box.  I've used both, and have had few problems.
> Uh, sorry, I thought that was inplied. It has a JD card, I was wondering
> how to set it up in Solaris (8)... S'what I get for writing at 1.00am.


I didn't read the rest of this thread..but assuming sol8 still has
lpadmin(1M) it's pretty easy to set it up.

the jetdirect card has an lpd listening, telnet <ip> 515 to make sure
it's open.  Telnet to the printer on port 23 and you config stuff, like
the banner page to off etc.  BTW, while you're in there make sure you're
default gw is setup or you won't be able to use it anywhoo.

make sure you can ping the printer of course....

on your solaris box do:

lpadmin -p <localname> -m netstandard -o protocol=bsd -o dest=i.am.an.ip \ 
-v /dev/null

This should be in a faq somewhere..but it doesn't seem to be since I get
this on sun-managers all the time too.

oh yeah, from there   enable <localname>  accept <localname> to enable
the printer and allow the queue to start accepting jobs.

BTW:  fellow austinites, there have been three sun graphics towers at
the goodwill comp store for a month+ now...could get them cheap i'm


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