[rescue] several second lag...

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 5 01:57:24 CDT 2001

> jeez, you know, I can remember the first "real" computer I ever had, t=
> first one I ever accomplished useful work with.

> I was 16, mind you, and broke.

> 386DX40, 8 megs ram, 120Meg hard drive.
> monitor: hyundai 14", broken, red display only.
> operating system: Windows 95.

Geez. My first was a 16k coco2 (I'm sooo glad my parents made me wait th=
extra 5 months instead of buying the tx1k) with a cassette drive and a=20
600 baud modem.

Wrote my first word processor that week and managed to get a printer for=
it a month later.


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