[rescue] your response for cheap colo

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 5 01:06:36 CDT 2001

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Ano Gohel wrote:

> James:
> I saw this posting of yours...what ISP have you spoken with that offers
> the $100/month hosting you mentioned in your reply?


1U, /29, 10GB bandwidth for $97.50 + $9.75/additional GB.  That's not too
bad when you figure that wholesale backbone bandwidth is worth $5/GB or

They get pricier for more rack space but there are a lot of cheap places
out there if you look.  My old company is getting about a half-rack with
free remote console service via a Portmaster for $250/mo from ap.net (tell
them I sent you if you use them).

If you want cheap colo, get a good 1U box (used Netra T1, for example).
The money you save in rack space will more than make up for the price of
the box.

Look at your local ISP's.  Many of them may want to bring in a little
extra cash by renting out excess rack space.  They frequently have better
deals than colo-only places.


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