[rescue] several second lag...

Chad Fernandez rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 5 00:44:24 CDT 2001


I think the Aplle//e is only a 1mhz machine.  The //gs I think was the
fastest at 4mhz.

My 486 class machine at 133mhz bogs down running W98 and Netscape 4.08. 
I can never figure out why my 486dx2-66 seemed so fast, then I remember
that I had W3.11 FWG's on it, and it all becomes clear :-)

Once I get my Socket7 machine up and running Linux, this 486 is getting
OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3!  It'll be my first try with OS/2.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

Ken Hansen wrote:
> As for the systems listed, the TRS-80 had a system clock of about 2 MHz Z-80
> (Could be clocked, IIRC), the Apple IIe was about the same, a 2 MHz 6502.
> The Toshiba and Kaypro CP/M machines were probably 4 MHz.

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