[rescue] Mac Appliance

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 2 14:32:48 CDT 2001

> Thats what Intel *wants* us to beleive... if it wasnt for WIndows, peo=
> would still be happy running DOS and WordPerfect on 286s...

My favorite all time WYSIWYG word processor is still WP5.1 for Xwindows,=
which we had running on the SUNOS 4 boxes in the Navy. Next closest was =

wordperfect 6 for DOS (the window version blew)

I can do eveything I need to (including gimp and websurfing) on a k6-450=
with 64meg of ram.

It's still more fun to have a 384meg ram u1/170e for a desktop.


(still searching for that lost version of WP)

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