[rescue] RE: [SunHELP] web server loadbalancing...

Kovalev, Ivan rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 2 12:30:22 CDT 2001


They give version for 2 nodes cluster (same subnet) for free, license for 3
nodes (can be on different networks) runs for about $7000 after discount.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bradford [mailto:mrbill at mrbill.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 11:33 AM
To: geeks at sunhelp.org; rescue at sunhelp.org; sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunHELP] web server loadbalancing...

Anybody know of a Linux distribution for UltraSPARC that's 
currently being maintained?  I'm trying to build a software-based
load balancer, and so far the only decent software solution looks
to be the LinuxVirtualServer stuff.  I'd prefer not to have to run
Linux, but if its the only thing that does what I want for the 
price I want...

If anybody has suggestions for something that would run on Solaris
(preferred), please let me know, or if anybody has a LocalDirector,
BigIP, Foundry ServerIron, etc, that they want to get rid of, let me 
know. 8-)

I'm currently using balance (http://balance.sourceforge.net) but running
into some issues with it.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX
SunHELP maillist  -  SunHELP at sunhelp.org

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