[SunRescue] OT: CA: It's Our Turn

David Cantrell rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 4 05:35:12 CDT 2001

"Cyrus M. Reed" <reedc at cc.wwu.edu> wrote:

> Also consider that leaded gas also puts out a lower amount of harmful
> emissions than unleaded gas for short trips.  The catalytic converter
> doesn't heat up as much as for longer trips, and unleaded gas actually
> burns less clean on it's own than leaded.  Now think about a short trip to
> the grocery store in an SUV... I'll bet that at 7mpg, there aren't many
> long trips made in those monster SUV's.  Ick.

I'm very pleased to have found a small chain of filling stations still
selling leaded petrol in .uk.  Apparently it's legal cos they have some
deal with a bunch of classic car clubs.  One of which I am a member of.

I don't actually need leaded fuel myself - the engine in my truck is,
being a military vehicle, designed to take any old shit cos you can't
guarantee the quality of fuel supplies when you're off invading third
world countries - *but* their leaded fuel is very high octane.  Although
they sell it as four-star, it's as near as dammit five-star.  Weeeeee!
They're amongst the cheaper suppliers too!

http://www.leadedpetrol.co.uk/ if anyone else wants it.

David Cantrell | root at alphacomplex.org | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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