[SunRescue] Sun 4/330 LEDs.

Robert Rose rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Nov 29 01:05:02 CST 2000

> Message: 2
> Date: 28 Nov 2000 18:21:17 -0000
> From: jwbirdsa at picarefy.picarefy.com
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [SunRescue] Sun 4/330 LEDs.
> Reply-To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> >Where did you run across this tidbit?  I can't find anything that refers
> >to the directly.
>    Well, it's called guess by analogy, which is how you have to do a lot
> of things with the FEH. :P The 4/300 page only lists the low five bits.
> Which implies that the high three are used for the same generic conditions
> as on other CPUs of the same vintage: 001 is sitting in the monitor,
> 010 is an exception class error, and 100 is "self-tests have found an
> error".
While I don't have an FEH that's quite as "vintage" as James' I do have
the original manuals that came with my 4/370, and what James is the
gospel truth.

If anyone is resurrecting 4/300 series boxen, I'd be happy to help them
(I'd scan it in and make the content available online, but this would
probably attract the wrath of Sun's lawyers!).  There's lots of guru
stuff like the eeprom location and setting for changing the screen size
that may or may not be in the FEH.



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