[SunRescue] Cleaning up old Sun gear

jcarver rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 10 23:27:45 CST 2000

I have had good luck with WD-40 for taking of stubborn gummed labels
and dried adhesives. Iso. Alcohol as a general cleaner. But the best
stuff is a product called "PEC-12". It is a photography product. The
label says it is an "Archival Photographic Emulsion Cleaner". A good
friend who is a photographer turned me on to this stuff. It is by far
the best for removing permanent marker ink. It has never damaged any
plastic cases yet. I have no idea what it costs. He keeps me supplied
and I keep his computers running.


Eric Hall wrote:
> In the last year, I've gathered a nice (to me)
> collection of older Sparc stations:
> 1. An SS10 (My desktop box)
> 2. A classic (router/firewall)
> 3. 2) 411 cases with 2gig drives.
> 4. An LX (My favorite!)
> 5. A 16 inch Sun monitor(heavy, ugly thing!)
> Some of the cases and such have discoloration's
> and smudges on them.  I'd like to clean them
> up and make them look as nice as possible. I've
> tried Simple Green, Windex, WD40, and soap
> and water to no avail. Does anyone on this list
> know the secret cleaning formula? All suggestions
> appreciated!
> Thank You, Eric Hall
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