[SunRescue] I could run a small country...

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Dec 23 23:25:43 CST 2000

On Sun, Dec 24, 2000 at 12:00:42AM -0500, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Grrrrr.  SunHELP also has a guy with a PT Cruiser - which is anything
> but wimp-ass!!  I've never been embarressed pulling onto the highway,
> and I can manuever around town on narrow streets to boot!  

Not to insult YOUR car - but have you seen the "Slashdot PT Cruiser"?
It just looks like something a soccer mom would drive.  That green color
is REALLY fugly... 

Back to a Solaris question - when doing compiles and such, on the 
previously-discussed dual-CPU U60, would you recommend doing gmake -j2,
or should I just do a normal gmake and let Solaris handle the distribution
of stuff between the CPUs?  Opinions?

Bill (currently setting up apache/mysql/php4 on the machine to test out
alternative/new-versions of the SunHELP backend.. might as well, its either
that or be depressed about the holidays again..)

Bill Bradford       |    "Do you expect me to talk?"
mrbill at mrbill.net   |    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
Austin, TX          |        -- "Goldfinger", 1964

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