[SunRescue] I could run a small country...

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Dec 23 05:36:53 CST 2000

Got pointers to software for this stuff?


On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 02:43:53AM -0800, James Lockwood wrote:
> Help solve the 8 Queens problem for absurdly large boardsizes.  I've got
> nonexhaustive (but representative) solution sets up to 3500x3500 so far
> using a genetic algorithm, but there shouldn't be a real limit. 
> Exhaustive solution sets are a much larger pain (O(6^N) or so).
> Or if you want to have useful fun, try to solve problems using neural
> nets.  Got one going now that trains in about a week between 16 450MHz
> UltraSparc CPU's (gradient backpropagation, 16-way annealing).  Figures
> out clothing fashionability, of all things.
> -James

Bill Bradford       |    "Do you expect me to talk?"
mrbill at mrbill.net   |    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
Austin, TX          |        -- "Goldfinger", 1964

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