[SunRescue] That maddening cycle...

Patrick Giagnocavo rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 21 07:40:05 CST 2000

on 12/21/2000 8:08 AM, Stefan Hames at rsh5 at cornell.edu wrote:

> I do agree that they make some cool computers, tho'.  It will really
> help their future if they finally pull off MacOS X.  I can't wait for
> a 2 CPU 500 mHz box with SMP  at a relatively low price.  Woohoo!

And just remember, within a WEEK of Apple releasing OS X, they will be the
biggest commercial Unix vendor in terms of licenses shipped.

And thank G-d they aren't shipping CDE (Crappily Debugged Environment) as
the desktop.


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