[SunRescue] That maddening cycle...

Stefan Hames rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 21 07:08:00 CST 2000

>Remember when MS pumped millions into Apple?  Who's next?  Maybe Sun
>contribute a few million.  I'd hate to see them go, their computers
>certainly some of the most sexy looking computers out there - and
>work great

Well, actually Apple has several billions of dollars of cash in hand 
and in short term investments - rather more than most companies' net 
worth. The millions "pumped" into Apple were actually part of an 
out-of-court settlement of a patent infringement suit.  The money in 
question, $150 million, is about six months worth of the $300-400 
million Microsoft makes annually off the Mac market alone.  Further, 
within twelve months the investment was worth about six times the 
original $150 million for a net gain of..... three-quarters of a 
billion dollars!  Far from pumping money in to save Apple, MS settled 
a dispute and made tons of bucks on it.   Microsoft in no way saved 
Apple - that money was literally a fart in a wind storm.  Remember 
Apple just split its stock, and is profitable for at least the last 
ten quarters, including this one. Maybe Sun should invest in Apple 
too, but for their sake, not for Apple's.

I do agree that they make some cool computers, tho'.  It will really 
help their future if they finally pull off MacOS X.  I can't wait for 
a 2 CPU 500 mHz box with SMP  at a relatively low price.  Woohoo!

Stefan Hames
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
E221 Corson Hall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
Phone: 607-273-4915 (home)
        607-254-2496 (lab)
        607-254-4262 (campus)
        607-255-8088 (fax)
<mailto: rsh5 at cornell.edu>

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