[SunRescue] What am I, and how did I get here ( CG12 on a SS2)

Maarten Deen rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 6 12:50:11 CST 2000

Stou Sandalski:

> > cgtwelve == gs, not supported under 2.5 or later.
> >
> > Maarten
> >
> Ahh yes 24bit graphics but slow, by not supported under 2.5 or latter does
> it mean a hardware version? Is it worth buying another frame buffer for this

Ah, sorry, not very descriptive... Solaris 2.5 that is.

> thing (SS2), since neither NetBSD or OpenBSD support this thing, and I doubt
> I will have the coding skills to write my own driver for it.  What version
> of Solaris would run on this I doubt 8 will hehe, any other OSes?

Well you'd need Solaris 2.4 for it, and as I've heard, any Solaris before 2.5 is 
a dog. Especially on a sun4c machine.
SunOS 4 would be a good OS for such machine I'd imagine.

> I am actualy surprised at how fast this thing runs when you log in through
> telnet, on the console its slow slow slow, I even put this netbsd hack on it
> so it works faster, and it does but its still slow....

You mean console output in textmode? That is hardly surprising. A lot of the 
older framebuffers are slow as hell in textmode, even though they do 
reasonably well in graphics. That's not connected to the machine in any way.

Depending on the work you do, older suns are very capable. Don't do any 
rendering though... ;-)


Maarten Deen                                           +31 (0)77 3076879
mdeen at xs4all.nl                              http://www.xs4all.nl/~mdeen

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