[SunRescue] HOW useful 690/MP

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Sep 13 13:35:39 CDT 1999

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, David Rouse wrote:
>We've got a 670MP that is our cgi server, internal web server, virtual 
>hosting web server, alternate email server and newspaper library. The 
>processors run at about 40 Mhz, but the four of them together make for a 
>pretty responsive system.

  ...and remember, upgrading those processors is easy and cheap.  If you've got
four 40MHz processors, that means you're running two SM100 mbus modules. 
Replace them with two SM41s (<$100/ea nowadays) and, even though you'll now
have only two 40MHz processors instead of four, your system will feel much, much

  (SM100s basically suck)

                      -Dave McGuire

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