Re(2): [SunRescue] Offerings

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Mon Aug 16 11:02:23 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>I agree fully.  Unfortunately, it's not exclusive to chassis
>manufacturing, it's
>rampant across the industry.  People have come to accept that machines
>lock up
>and require rebooting.  Peripherals have conflicts, and drivers are
>difficult to
>It's weird.

has anyone else noticed the horribly short lifespan of the modern 20x+ IDE
CD drive?  I still haven't found a place selling 6x drives for <$20, but
those slower older drives read more reliably (especially writable CDs) and
last much longer than the new faster ones.  Incidentally they also weigh
more.  Consumer computer equipment has definitely moved into the
disposable era.

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