[geeks] Next missing package - Dynamic Reconfiguration, SUNWldm

JP Hindin jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com
Mon Mar 19 15:43:01 CDT 2018

On Mon, 19 Mar 2018, Jonathan Katz wrote:
> Did you ever get anywhere with this? I remember starting with Solaris 8 all
> the "stuff" required for an e10k was included (and maybe earlier.) The SSP
> software was still separate. You'd want the most recent SSP packages you
> can find on the most recent OS that makes sense (Solaris 9, likely) for the
> SSP.

I have not located a copy of SUNWldm or the drd, but by destroying one of 
the domains and recreating it with a fuller set of SBs I have managed to 
get things rolling. I'd very much like to find SUNWldm if I could, 

The Sol10 install definitely knew it was installing onto an E10k and 
installed some E10k specific things - but SUNWldm for the E10k appears not 
to be part of the standard install.

I have added/removed boards on a SunFire 6800, which is a couple 
generations along, and it works on a standard Solaris install, so I think 
perhaps they moved away from ldm to something else that is _now_ core to 

I didn't think to check to see if it might be on the Sol9 discs - I only 
checked Sol10, which is what I have installed and running on the E10k at 
present. That's a good thought, thanks Jonathan.

  - JP

> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 2:38 PM, JP Hindin <jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com> wrote:
>> Firstly, thank you for the help on gdb. I didn't want to get a build
>> environment on the machine, but learning that the S7 packages would work in
>> S8 was a big boost.
>> Next trick is I'd like to find the Dynamic Reconfiguration package for
>> Solaris 10. If it exists in 10, I dunno. My famaliarity with Solaris is
>> limited to the machines I have - I never ran it in production and I'm not
>> sure how the packages were even released beyond what comes on the install
>> media.
>> I've gone through both my 10u7 CD set and 10u? DVD media and I'm unable to
>> locate SUNWldm, which appears to have the DR daemon (drd) which is needed
>> for the SSP to tell the E10k to attach/detach boards.
>> If someone might point me in the right direction - or any information on
>> how these things were released in the real world (an E10k specific media?
>> :/) I'd appreciate the help.
>> Cheers;
>>  - JP
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