[geeks] Ahmed, the accidental terrorist?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 17:52:52 CDT 2015

Hello all,

As some may be aware, there is a great firestorm brewing about the 14 year-old
Texas boy that was 'arrested for bringing a clock to school'. As you may
suspect, there is more to the story than most news outlets are reporting, and
without going too deep into this case, as a resident of Irving, TX I wanted to
share this much-hammered (and frequently down) link that reveals the truth of
this kid's 'invention' that earned him invites to internships at some great
tech companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter), an invite to visit MIT, and, most
widely-reported, an invite to the White House (presumably so the President can
tell us that the MacArthur High School teachers acted 'stupidly'). I expect,
once this link hits the mainstream media, the fantasy Ahmed's family has
created will fall apart dramatically.

I apologize for injecting a bit of politics into the list, but I thought the
tech in the story was a compelling reason to share it here.


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