[geeks] Q: regarding wiring RJ45 to DB9 adapters

Jonathan Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Nov 10 22:39:40 CST 2015

On Tue, 10 Nov 2015, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> I'm thinking there really isn't much of a standard, I should just pick one and
> go with it I suppose...

There are even more than we've mentioned so far.  Digi use an 10p10c
connector with the outermost pair being exclusively flow-control (and the
middle 4 pairs being effectively Cisco's standard, IIRC).

Wire them up for Cisco stuff unless you have specific equipment that uses
a different standard.  Cisco won the market-share war, making it much more
likely that if you run across just one connector, you'll have ready access
to a compatible mate.

Also: Cisco had the forethought to design a cable that's straight-through
one way and null-modem if you reverse all the pins.

Jonathan Patschke | "Right now, computers, which are supposed to be our
Elgin, TX         |  servant, are oppressing us."
USA               |                                       -- Jef Raskin

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