[geeks] Stuff I've offered previously

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 09:33:48 CDT 2014

Thanks, it will make for an interesting year!

In other news it just actually hit me that this is happening - the move, that
is - I just went through my DVR and deleted 90% of the shows because I'll
never get a chance to watch them before I give my DVR back to Comcast.

If you'll excuse me, I need to into my basement and make one last 'scrap'
sweep, and box up all the remaining treasures that didn't make it into the two
16' PODS. You can really shove an amazing amount of stuff in a POD, of course,
I have yet to see how my packing strategy works out. My approach was to put
EVERYTHING in a box, and fill the POD completely, floor to ceiling, side to
side, and back to front. It made me happy I saved my server boxes all these

Sadly, it appears I will be scrapping an E450, an HP 5Si MX (copier-sized)
laser printer, and a small pile of ext. SCSI HDs and other small bits. I'm
donating about 8 laser printers to the boys club (they have a location where
they refurb and give away/sell PCs and printers).

I'm not sure about the fate of the Dell blade server I picked up from a list
member, I feel bad scrapping it, but the Boys Club is the only group that
would consider taking it, and I need to add HDs and trays to get any blades
working, and once it's working, I have my doubts about them being able to
justify the cost of running it for any serious purpose.


> On Jul 24, 2014, at 10:09 AM, Rjtoegel <rjtoegel at gmail.com> wrote:
> I know.  I've seen some who teach as if Microsoft is the only game in town
> others who are little more generic since most packages are similar.  My
> son used to think the PC way was all there is until he took a class where
> had to program for iOS.  He's beginning to see there are "other worlds" out
> there.  The last gentleman who taught computer programming (AP) was a
> Microsoft drone.  He unfortunately made everything so convoluted that the
> stuff he wrote (like a term record and BWHO sheet, breakdown of failure
> according to ethnic group) only worked on half of the school computers.  I
> redid it in Open and it worked on everything (the kids loaded that on all
> machines cause most in my school used Open at home).  Of course the amusing
> thing was he also taught Vocal Music but didn't know how to use a
> on stage.
> Anyway, good luck with the job.  Hope it works out well for you.  At least
> know the subject :-)
> Bob
>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 7:16, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The way I look at it, teaching them MS tools makes sense because it is (by
>> far) the dominant environment in the world (90%+ of desktop users), and
>> vast majority of free alternatives strive to emulate/recreate MS-like user
>> environments and applications.
>> Besides, I have no say in the matter, only if I want to be at the front of
> the
>> classroom or not while they learn this. ;^)
>> If it helps, the web class uses a lot of FOSS tools, including GIMP.
>> Lionel
>>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 12:10 AM, rjtoegel <rjtoegel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Gee...A new generation of Microsoft drones are coming? B Just kidding. B
>>> Bob
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