[geeks] OpenVMS Technical Journal download problems?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 09:53:34 CDT 2013

I went to your linked-to page, clicked on journal #15, took me to this URL


>From there, I clicked on 'download journal as PDF' (there was also an option
for a PS version), it downloaded fine.

Again iPhone 4S is device used.

If that's not what you wanted tested, let me know.


On Aug 16, 2013, at 10:46 AM, microcode at zoho.com wrote:

> Hi Lionel, thanks,
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:36:53AM -0400, Lionel Peterson wrote:
>> I was able to download 'best practices using SSD' PDF on the page you
>> without issue - the ASPX file extension is a piece of executable code that
>> your browser isn't handling properly.
> I am able to download and view the separate articles. What I can't do is
> view the whole issue when I download it. Are you able to download a whole
> issue and view it?
>> What browser/OS are you using?
> Does not seem to be related to that as I have used 3 different OS and a few
> different release levels of 2 different browsers. And I have the same
> problem opening the .pdf in Acroread or xpdf.
>> Worked fine on my Safari/iOS iPhone 4S.
> Darn hi-tech list members ;-)
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