[geeks] rj-45 boots installed after connector?

Ben Greisler ben at kadimac.com
Fri Sep 2 09:20:05 CDT 2011

On Sep 2, 2011, at 7:13 AM, gsm at mendelson.com wrote:

> I have some specialized cables that use RJ-45 connectors. They don't come
> protective boots on them, and I would like to add something to keep the
> clips intact.
> Normally I hate the boots and prefer cables with out them, but these are
different, you plug them in, run a program on the computer for a few minutes
and then unplug them. If they fall out during the operation
> you coud end up with a very expensive brick.

Eh, just cut the wire in the middle, slide on the boot, splice with wirenuts
and wrap with electrical tape. Done!


Ben Greisler | Owner / Technical Lead |  Kadimac Corp
ofc: 215-821-1440 | email: ben at kadimac.com
Certified Member - Apple Consultants Network - ACSA | Xsan | ACT
Apple Professional Services Provider - Education and Enterprise

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