[geeks] Voip options

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Wed Jul 20 10:37:28 CDT 2011

>> I was wondering if I should respond to Dan, because the truth is
>> we're moving away from the US residential market.
> The above, however, is the point.  Rez VoIP support sucks eggs.

Well, only sort of.  Clueless customer support is what sucks.
Residential VoI (what it should be called [%]) support is problematic
only to the extent that your customer base has significant numbers of
the clueless.

Somehow, I doubt gsm is among them. :-)

There might be a place for somehting like nosupportlinuxhosting.com but
for VoI.

[%] Voice has been carried over IP for a lot longer than most people
    realize.  What's (relatively) recent is doing so over the open
    Internet (as opposed to dedicated private links).

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