[geeks] Impressive...

Michael-John Turner mj at mjturner.net
Sun Mar 8 14:09:07 CDT 2009

On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 03:04:50PM -0800, velociraptor wrote:
> What's the latest chatter on the Seagate firmware debacle?  Has it settled
> out?

>From what I can tell things seem to have settled down a bit, although it's
perhaps too soon to tell. I have four drives that updated without
problem[1] and they've been fine since. Of course, the whole debacle (and
the reduction of their OEM drive warranty to 3 years) has put me off
Seagate a bit. FWIW, I've had good success with Samsung of late and will
probably stick with them for my next set of drive purchases.

[1] Once I could find a system that FreeDOS would run on - it crashes on
    startup on systems that have native-only SATA controllers.

Michael-John Turner 
mj at mjturner.net      <>  http://mjturner.net/

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