[geeks] Apple desktop refresh

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 11:32:05 CST 2009

Mike Meredith wrote:
> Well yes, but as others have pointed out the prices didn't come down
> when the dollar lost value against the pound.

I have known it to happen. Like I said in my other post the proces 
set/change happens very rarely only at spec changes so it's hard to 
gauge and doesn't respond sharply to every single economic change. This 
spec update just happened to fall at a time when the GBP was weak vs. 
the USD. 99% of the time Apple's prices are within 50 GBP of USD price > 

>> Be realistic please, Apple are an American company and have to charge 
> It's not quite that simple is it ? Apples are not necessarily assembled
> in the US ... the keyboard certainly isn't ("Assembled in China") (I'm
> too lazy to look at the back of this iMac). Whilst some of the cost of
> an Apple is non-manufacturing costs, manufacturing costs do represent a
> significant amount.

iMacs are assembled in China. The GBP has slipped widely against all 
global currencies in the last 6 months (USD, Euro, etc.) so it' 
generally a lot poorer exchange than it was last time they did a spec 

Please, I'm not standing up for them, I think they do profiteer on their 
hardware. I'm just trying to stop people flailing them unnecessarily.


Mark Benson

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