[geeks] Photo Geotagging

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 12:37:06 CDT 2009

On Jun 7, 2009, at 9:50 PM, "Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net>  

> I'd like to start geotagging my photographs when traveling out of the
> country.  Does anyone here have a recommendation for a GPS unit  
> that: has
> a DE9 EIA-232 connector, talks the "NEMA" protocol, has a rechargeable
> battery with a reasonable runtime, and is lightweight enough to clip  
> to a
> camera strap without being awkward?
> I have a suspicion that Nikon's $45 adapter cable plus a third-party  
> unit will serve me as well or better than Nikon's GP-1 unit that  
> runs off
> the camera's battery.

My non-GPS iPhone geotags my photos - something that suprised me when  
I uploaded them to Picassa and saw little flags pop-up on the map as I  
added photos... Of course, you probably want something other than 1  
megapixel 'pinhole' camera-quality photos...


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