[geeks] food geekery question

Phil Stracchino alaric at metrocast.net
Tue Dec 22 11:11:28 CST 2009

Joshua Boyd wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 09:16:40AM -0500, Kurt Huhn wrote:
>> But beyond that, if you're going to be doing a lot of food prep at home, 
>> the most important investment you can make is a set of really good 
>> kitchen knives.  If I lost the blender, mixer, processor and every other 
>> small appliance I would be fine as long as I had my knives.
> Of course, a reasonable set could be two good chef knives (or Santoku)
> in 8 and 10 in lengths, a cheap bread knife, and a modest pairing
> knife. 

Personally I go with a 10" or 12" chef's knife, a 10" slicer, and a pair
of utility knives (4" and 6").  I use swivel parers rather than a paring
knife.  I too would like to add a proper cleaver to my set at some
point, and this bread knife:


  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  alaric at caerllewys.net   alaric at metrocast.net   phil at co.ordinate.org
         Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, Free Stater
                 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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