[geeks] English language [was: power (was Mr. Bill)]

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Thu Sep 18 15:48:01 CDT 2008

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:56:37 -0400, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> > I'm not sure about that. Pascaline has been in the french language
> > for over 350 years and the term for machine automation and punch
> > cards have been in the french language for almost 300 years. Both

Punch cards and (to some extent) machine automation are of course a
French invention.

> Well, I don't speak (or know much about) French, but as for Italian
> and German, I can vouch that they've pulled coined words from English
> for the kind of reasons I'm talking about.

I don't know about French, German, or Italian, but my Spanish informant
tells me that young people in Spain seem to prefer converted to Spanish
English words (in computer terms anyway) than perfectly serviceable
Spanish words. Probably just to be contrary.

Mike Meredith (http://zonky.org/)
 the idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it
 is the most decisive negation of human liberty, and necessarily ends in
 the enslavement of mankind, in theory and practice.
  -- Mikhail Bakunin

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