[geeks] The best things in the world

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Fri Sep 12 15:29:29 CDT 2008

On Sep 12, 2008, at 2:41 PM, nate at portents.com wrote:

>>> Is Server 2008 capable of real headless anyway? I thought you still
>>> needed a graphical display, it just only supported like cmd.exe and
>>> notepad.exe, but I would love to be wrong.
>> Define headless.
> He's wondering if Windows Server 2008 Core exists, and yes it does,  
> though
> it's got a lot of kinks:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_2008#Server_Core

No, I was wondering if you could run it on a system without a graphics  
card and keyboard attached. I did know about Windows Server Core, and  
it's a step in the right direction, but I believe (could be wrong  
since I have only read about it and never used it myself) that you  
still need a keyboard and monitor.

  - Micah

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