[geeks] Liber-fascism

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Thu Oct 30 16:31:45 CDT 2008

Erie Patsellis wrote:
> On Oct 25, 2008, at 01:00 , William Barnett-Lewis wrote:
>>> I am so tired of these people who bitch about taxes while happily
>>> using the infrastructure the rest of us have paid for.
> It's no different here in rural Illinois, we have a rather large Amish
> community nearby, they (collectively) complain about the condition of
> the roads, yet how many dollars in gas/road tax do they pay? (and as I'm
> told, they also are exempt from inheritance taxes and the like as well)
> erie

Don't be hating on the Amish now!

They pay road tax on their generator fuel at the least, and they school
their own kids while still paying the same property taxes.

Don't know about the inheritance tax exemption; maybe it applies to all


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