[geeks] Liber-fascism

Jonathan Groll lists at groll.co.za
Mon Oct 27 03:18:47 CDT 2008

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 03:24:55PM -0400, der Mouse wrote:
>> ..and yet we all need to be extremely vigilant for the scenario where
>> the 'elected' government becomes the biggest gang of them all (as in
>> Zimbabwe at present).
>Yes, Zimbabwe came to mind, but it seems to me to be more an example of
>a bad government than of a nonexistent government - an example of how a
>government that lacks the consent of its people doesn't last.  (Yes,
>there was external pressure; I believe it speeded up the process, but
>didn't change the inevitability of the outcome.)

Lest you're under the mistaken impression that there has truly been a
change of government in Zimbabwe, for the time being, sadly, Robert
Mugabe is still very much in power:


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